Bedminster Flyers Cycling Club
About the Club:
The Bedminster Flyers Cycling Club (BFCC) has been a recreational cycling club in the Somerset Hills area of NJ for over two decades. Members are called Flyers.
We are a road bike club. We ride on Monday and Wednesday evenings from April through September, starting from Far Hills Fairgrounds which is on Peapack Road, just up from Route 202. In April and September, rides roll out at 5:30pm. From May through August, rides start at 6pm.
As many as 60 riders may show up on for rides. We break into 4 groups based on ability (fastest to slowest: A, B, C, D) and more as necessary for safety. Members frequently schedule ad-hoc rides from other starting points as well.
The BFCC is a member of the League of American Bicyclists (LAB). In accordance with the LAB guidelines, each participant on Club rides must be a Club-member and sign a membership waiver. The guidelines do allow for one-time guests. After their first ride, guests must become members to continue riding with the Club. In addition, all riders must sign another waiver before every Club-sponsored or Club-promoted ride. To abide by the LAB insurance requirements, we must enforce the one-time guest rule and sign-in before every ride.
before every ride.
We get a buck for every signup done through this site. Do something good for yourself and something good for the Club: Get a Road ID.
Club Events:
In addition to the weekly ride, we have several social and community events throughout the year. They are:
Winter Party
Ride Leader 101
Century Club
Matheny Ride (Miles for Matheny course marking & support)
Adopt-a-Road Cleanup
End-of-Summer Picnic
Detail can be found on the Club Activities tab.
Our Board:
The Club board has 5 positions. Board members are elected at the last meeting of the year by the members in attendance. All positions are for a full year and are open to any Club member.
2023 board members:
President: Steve Lieberman (email)
Treasurer: Bob Schoenfeld (email)
Events Coordinator: Maria Nadel (email)
Membership Director: Irene Lieberman (email)
Secretary: Greg Ziegler (email)
Adopt-a-Road Coordinator, D-ride Coordinator, Matheny Ride Coordinator & Webmaster are non-board positions.
. They are open to any interested Club member as well.