Bedminster Flyers Cycling Club
Club rules
Each rider must be a current Club member or a first-time guest. After a guest’s first ride, s/he must become a member to continue riding with the Club.
The Ride Leader has the right to remove any rider who presents a risk to the group. S/he will offer the rider a “way-home” route.
The Club will ban riders who repeatedly exhibit unsafe behavior or do not adhere to Club rules.
Prior to Ride:
Each rider must sign the sign-in sheet/waiver.
Riders under 18 years old must have a parent complete and sign the Minor Release section of the sign-in sheet.
Ride leaders announce the pace and terrain of their ride; they do not supply cue sheets.
Riders should not join a ride beyond their capabilities.
During Ride:
Helmets are required.
Obey NJ traffic laws as found on the NJ DOT website.
Headphones cannot be worn – whether being used or not.
Telephones or similar electronic devices cannot be used while riding.
Aerobars may not be used on Club rides.
Carry obvious identification, such as a Road ID.
Carry emergency contact information that is accessible to others, such as ICE (In Case of Emergency) information on an unlocked cell phone.
Stay with and follow the ride leader’s instructions.
Call out hazards such as debris, grates, potholes & animals.
Call out cars, runners & pedestrians and give them a wide berth.
Do not endanger other riders. Signal/call out your intentions re: passing, turning, stopping.
Ride in a safe & courteous manner.
We have rides on Monday and Wednesday evenings, from April through September, starting from Far Hills Fairgrounds which is on Peapack Road, just up from Route 202. D-level & new cyclist rides are held concurrently at the same location. Beginner rides are held on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month. All rides regroup as needed. The D-level ride may have a rest stop.
Email the D-ride Coordinator to be placed on our confidential New Member D/D+ Ride e-mail list – or with any questions relating to the D or D+ rides.
Ride levels and average speeds are shown here.
We ride on paved roads. Road bikes are recommended & preferred, but we do have riders using tri-bikes, hybrids, and even a recumbent.
Rides start at 5:30pm in April, at 6:00pm from May through August, and at 5:30pm from September through the end of the season.
Rides usually end before dusk.
To ride with the Club on Mondays, Wednesdays, or on other Club-promoted rides, you must be a member.