Bedminster Flyers Cycling Club
2024 Century Rides
The Century Club involves riding multiple centuries and/or metric centuries. Riders that achieve any of the goals listed below will be recognized here.
Century Club runs all year.
To become a member you must ride:
4 centuries in 4 separate monthsOR
2 centuries and 3 metric centuries in 5 separate monthsOR
6 metric centuries in 6 separate months
New members who join the Club after April 1st can meet the requirements with multiple qualifying rides in the same month(s).
No proof is required, it’s an honor system. You don’t have to ride at a particular speed, you can make stops, you can have fun. You can accomplish the distances riding in organized events, riding with Club members or other friends, riding on your own, riding anywhere in the world; just ride!
After you complete a ride email the webmaster to update your data. There’s no time limit; you can report rides for any month any time.
NOTE: As the BFCC is a sponsor of MILES FOR MATHENY, members that ride the “Hills of Attrition” course can claim it as their April metric century.
No signup is required.
Even if you don’t plan to do all the rides, join in! Although only one ride per month counts, feel free to report all rides 100k or longer. We’ll put all of them on the list.