Bedminster Flyers Cycling Club
Ride Leader Guidelines
During our usual springtime Ride Leader 101 meeting we review guidelines for new & continuing Ride Leaders. Since the information is worth reviewing any time of the year – and we want to encourage new Ride Leaders to step up whenever they’re willing – the guidelines are available here for interested parties to review on their own.
Before a ride:
Announce the pace, terrain, and description of your ride according to this guide.
Ensure each rider has your cell phone number and its ring is loud enough to hear in case an injured or dropped rider needs to reach you.
Know the officer’s mobile number(s) in case you need to call the officer with the sign-in sheet.
Ensure you have no more than 12 riders —including you— in your group.
Request that all riders stay behind you except for long climbs or descents.
Ask if anyone wants to become a Ride Leader and let them lead part of your ride.
During a ride:
Warm up your riders before you get to the announced pace.
Keep the announced pace, but reasonably adjust it for those having trouble keeping up.
The D-level ride may have a rest stop.
After difficult turns, long climbs, or long descents wait for all riders to rejoin the group before continuing.
Regroup otherwise as needed.
Do not drop riders accidentally. Count your riders before, during, and at the end of your ride.
Allow stragglers to leave the ride only if you’re certain they know the way back to the starting point. Get their cell phone number and ensure he/she/they have returned before you go home.
Halt the ride to assess mechanical problems and/or injuries. If a rider with a problem wants to be left behind, ask if s/he wants another rider to stay with her/him.
Use voice- & hand-signals to identify hazards, and to announce turns, stops, changing pace, or lane changes.
Be aware of alternate routes in case of inclement weather.
Monitor the behavior of your riders. Correct bad behaviors immediately if necessary, or speak to the cyclist(s) in question after the ride.